Welcome to the music of Children Dance! Here are the melodies of all the songs. (Lyrics and scores are in the book.)  Feel free to embellish the music with your own instrumentation, alter tempos, octaves, use for music lessons, share with a children’s choir or combine with dancers for a theatrical presentation. I hope you’ll share with me what you do so that I may promote you on my platforms! Children Dance! gives thanks for the inspiration that created it. Please enjoy and carry forward the dream of universal peace. Giving thanks for You!

Performance Notes:  Chord indications are for accompaniment.  The performer(s) should assume the chord with the melody line does not change until indicated.  The accompanist should improvise throughout in a manner supportive to the melody line.  This is standard lead-sheet accompaniment format.

Dream mp3          Dream (Full Orchestration) mp3

Universal Peace mp3          Universal Peace (Full Orchestration) mp3

        Alyssum Noelle mp3

Trehaven Here mp3

Heather Angel mp3

Free Wing mp3

Angela Magic mp3

Solomon Shore mp3

Katy Easter mp3

Celebration Sea mp3

Amy Paradise mp3

Jeremiah Hands mp3

Lionel Strong mp3          Lionel Strong (Orchestrated) mp3

Lila Iris mp3

Happen Neil mp3

Beth Rose mp3

Josiah Highland mp3

Cherianna Dawn mp3

Universal Peace mp3          Universe Song (Full Orchestration) mp3

Dream mp3


To ask questions, to share your thoughts, or to purchase the book, please 
contact Lyrissa by filling out the form below. Thank You!